North East Mayoral Manifesto Introduction


Giving back control to our communities

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From Byker to Berwick, and from Barnard Castle to Boldon, the North East is full of amazing communities, with rich histories and strong traditions of looking after each other.  A Green Mayor would give back to those communities some of the powers and money received through devolution.

The North East devolution deal puts a lot of money and new powers into the hands of regional leaders.  Money to spend on improving the quality of homes for every resident.  Powers to integrate our public transport across the region and bring buses under public control.  Control of the adult education budget and money for people to learn new skills.  Finance to support small businesses and power to leverage additional resources from the public and private sectors.

But if £6 billion over 30 years and new powers are to truly transform our region, that money and power cannot just sit with a mayor and regional leaders.  For the North East to thrive, its communities need to be back in control.  Money needs to be spent directly within communities, where it will create more jobs and provide more benefits, rather than trickling down from big regional projects.  Learning and skills need to be embedded within neighbourhoods, so that people can get work locally and have pride in their area.  Money for housing must focus on improving existing housing so that it is warmer and cheaper to run, not on new house building for a handful of people.  Public transport must serve the needs of all neighbourhoods and villages, not the commercial interests of the big bus companies.  And local communities must be heard at the cabinet table.

The pandemic taught us that we need stronger neighbourhoods if we are to look after those who are vulnerable, and that we need to work together better to get through difficult times.  This collective thinking, focused on building resilience, is at the heart of our Fairer, Greener North East plan.


Andrew Gray (2nd from left) with Green campaigners in Byker, Newcastle

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