Green Party selects Rachel Featherstone as Hartlepool by-election candidate

Rachel Featherstone: “Every green vote will be a message that things can’t go on the way they have been”

The Green Party has selected Rachel Featherstone as their candidate for the forthcoming Hartlepool by-election.

Featherstone, who has lived in the north east her entire life, will stand for the seat on the promise to fight for a Green recovery for the people of Hartlepool after she was selected by the Stockton & Hartlepool Green Party last night [Thursday 1 April].

Featherstone, who works on Teesside as a university lecturer, and is mother of three children, has said she is adamant that Hartlepool deserves better representation.

She said:

“I’m very proud to have been selected as the Green Party candidate for Hartlepool. Every green vote will be a message that things can’t go on the way they have been.

“It is frankly outrageous how Labour and the Conservatives have approached this by-election as a game, to see who can get one over the other. This town is not just a brick in the ‘red wall’ to be taken for granted, and it isn’t just a scalp to be won by the Tories, with their inept government.

“Hartlepool needs the kind of transformation that a Green recovery could bring. But, while other parties claim to be committed to such a recovery, real Green policies need real Green politicians with a clear vision – not just warm words and window-dressing.”

Green Party co-leader Jonathan Bartley said:

“I’m delighted that Rachel is the Green Party candidate in Hartlepool, leading the way in the fight for social and environmental justice. After an incredibly tough year for us all, this by-election is an important opportunity for the people of Hartlepool to show that they don’t want things to just go back to how they were before the pandemic.

“While Labour and the Conservatives still fail to grasp the need for real change, the Green Party has a clear plan for a recovery from coronavirus which will see millions of Green jobs spread throughout communities across the country.

“From supporting trade unions’ call for a 15% pay rise for nurses to pushing for retrofitting schemes to create warm homes for all and Green jobs for the region, it is Greens on the ground, working with local communities and doing what is necessary to make all of our towns and cities cleaner, healthier places to live and prosper.”

Photo credit: Dawn Furness


CANDIDATE: Rachel Featherstone – / 07525 326487 

REGIONAL GREEN PARTY – Tom Stewart – / 07968 720217

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: / 0203 691 9401

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