Local Councils Unresponsive On Incinerators

Latest Northern Agenda newsletter shows local councils at their unresponsive worst on the TVERF incinerator.

‘This weekend the North East councils behind the scheme on the Grangetown Prairie site said they were undeterred by new BBC analysis showing that burning waste produces the same amount of greenhouse gases for each unit of energy as coal.

‘The BBC also highlighted how more tonnes of waste were being incinerated in the poorest areas, based on indices of multiple deprivation, which also typically have the lowest recycling rates.

‘TVERF project partners told Local Democracy Reporter Stuart Arnold: “The analysis published by the BBC is based on public domain information that is freely available and well-known to all of those involved in waste management planning decisions, which is testament to the open and transparent regulation of energy from waste facilities. As such, it does not change or influence the partner authorities’ position on the project.”’

Read the full article on the Gazette here.

For more information on the campaign against incinerators, check out the SINE (Stop Incineration North East) Facebook page.


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