On the recent islamophobic violence

Over the past week, it has been saddening to see horrific violence, racism and anti-Muslim hate unfolding on the streets of our region – with senseless damage and destruction of buildings, vehicles and businesses and attacks on local mosques.

The North East Green Party condemn the actions of those who wish to do our communities harm and send our heartfelt solidarity and support to anyone who feels unsafe because of these actions.

There is no place for this behaviour in a civilised society – but this has reached a head after years of Governments moving further and further to the right, with the wholesale demonisation of minority groups and severe lack of investment in our communities.

Many of our Green Party councillors and campaigners have been reaching out across our communities to offer support and solidarity and will continue to do so. We will be attending counter protests to prevent the far right from stirring up more hate and joining with efforts from the community to clean up after any disruption. We remain committed to bringing people together, not dividing.

We know that being part of a community has nothing to do with skin colour, religion, race or beliefs. Those that think we’re all different have not spoken to their neighbours.

We live on the same streets, in the same areas, we buy from the same shops, eat at the same restaurants, drink at the same pubs, send our children to the same schools, talk to the same people in the same shops.

Some of us work voluntarily to improve our communities, help out at a food bank, lend a hand to the school, go on litter picking sessions, go shopping on behalf of those that can’t, teach kids to play football.

No community wants their shops looted, police stations burnt, cars overturned and people injured simply for being outside.

We know our region is full of welcoming, tolerant, respectful people who play by the rules and reject the attempts to divide us. We don’t give in to bullies. We are always stronger together.

If you have concerns about the escalation of activity in our community, we urge people to reach out to your local Green Party and councillors if you have them. We are there for our residents and will not allow our communities to be divided by trouble makers. If you feel threatened or unsafe, we urge people to contact the Police on 101. If there is immediate danger, please call 999.


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