Now is the time to take action: Vote Green in next week’s European Election!

This is your chance to turn the North East Green – by voting for the Green Party candidates for the NE region in the European election in exactly seven days time on Thursday 23rd May.

North East Green Party EU Candidates

Why vote Green

To stay in the EU: We are proud to be pro-European. As the largest group of UK Remain MEPs, Green MEPs delivered huge wins for the areas they represent, from reclaiming public money lost to tax avoidance, to protecting our countryside and wildlife by banning toxic pesticides. Vote Green to remain and change the Europe Union for the common good.

To take bold climate action: The movement for climate justice has never been stronger and Greens are leading it across the continent. We are facing a climate emergency. We need to take action to protect our children’s future. Vote Green for urgent action to tackle climate breakdown.

To change politics for good: Our political system is broken. It has failed to fix the inequality and insecurity that fuelled the Brexit vote. We must end poverty, stop austerity in the UK and in Europe and create a fairer economy to heal the divisions in our society.

Vote Green for NOW and the FUTURE!

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