Roads to Nowhere: Green Party statement on Newcastle-Gateshead Core Strategy Examination and Transport Policy

Roads to Nowhere

Green  Party statement on Newcastle-Gateshead Core Strategy Examination and Transport  Policy

  • Planned new roads and new road lanes[i] are no  solution
  • Serious threat to public health from poor air quality  caused by traffic levels
  • 124 deaths occurred in Newcastle alone last year due to  air pollution (4.9% of all deaths of people over 25)[ii]
  • New roads will make many problems  worse
  • Green Belt loss bigger than  feared

 In the film ‘Field of Dreams’, it is  said:  if you build, he will come”.  In today’s session on Transport in the Examination in Public of the  Newcastle-Gateshead Core Strategy development plan, the Highways Agency and the  planners said: “Build” (more roads and more road lanes).  It is no dream to imagine that they  “will come” (more cars and, then, yet more cars).

And, in a few years, things will be back  to square one, as has happened with the A1 Western bypass where extra lanes are  now being planned.

In other words, the Highways Agency and  the planners ignore the negative power of ‘positive feedback’. More ‘supply’  (more road space) will only trigger more demand (more cars and other private  vehicles).

The proposed solutions are in fact  non-solutions. Indeed the problems will be badly aggravated by the proposals in  the Core Strategy for large-scale out-of-town building. This is not positive  planning.

Mitigation in the form of cleaner car  engines, something flagged up by one planner today, will have little impact in  the necessary time frame. Most vehicles on the road over the next few years will  be today’s models.

The Core Strategy now being examined  proposes the concreting of field after field on the urban fringes. It will cost  vital green spaces. Already 9.7% of the Green Belt is to be concreted over.  Today, the planners admitted that this already excessive figure did not include Green Belt land that will be  lost to new roads.

Building on the targetted greenfield  sites will also generate even more unsustainable levels of car traffic, more  congestion and more air pollution, with very negative consequences in terms of  public health and of the area’s contribution to dangerous climate  change.[iii]

The Core Strategy aims to encourage some  9,000 people to live on the west side of the city, not in North Tyneside. Yet  the east side of the conurbation has better public transport networks, not least  the Metro system. Again the fundamental unsoundness of the plan is  evident.

Meanwhile many local residents are  rightly angry about very inadequate consultation and transparency as well as  extremely thin details on proposals regarding what was called today “a series of  link roads” on the NW side of Newcastle.

The real solutions lie in other  measures. Instead of squandering huge amounts of public money on more roads/road  lanes[iv], investment  should drive:

  • Radical improvements to public transport, including the  regeneration of rail lines in the Ashington-Newcastle and the Leamside line down  to Washington and Durham;
  • More space and safer space for  cyclists;
  • More catering for  pedestrians;
  • A new spatial strategy, plus other social and economic  policies that encourage ‘localisation’ as well as more working from home, all of  which will reduce the need to travel and therefore curb  congestion
  • And, of course, no major building beyond the current  built-up area with, instead, a really determined effort to sustainably redevelop  inner city brownfield sites and empty properties, near to improved current  public transport networks.

Shirley Ford, the Green Party regional  co-ordinator added: 

“The Core Strategy has not been  positively prepared. If it had been, there would be bold and urgent action over  the threat from worse air quality and extra carbon emissions. This is  unsustainable development of a very backward-looking kind. The growth model that  underpins the whole strategy will mean that all the problems it claims to be  addressing will simply come back at a later date. In other words, in a few years  time, we will end up debating the addition of yet more lanes to the A1 and yet  more roads elsewhere. We have to look to very different models of what really  does constitute a sustainable city and a high quality of life for all its  citizens. Current schemes are like loosening the belt on obesity. They are not  the cure”.


[i] Current proposals include the widening of the AI, albeit  with narrower lanes as well as a series of link roads on the NW side of the  city, including, it seems, the A69-A696 and A1. Often, consequential development  follows in the footsteps of new roads, as in the area just to the west of the  entrance to Newcastle race course

[ii] Figures from Public Health England. The European  Commission has initiated legal action against the British government over the  hazards posed by poor air quality in the UK. See:

[iii] The 2014 IPCC report documented just how serious is the  threat from human-caused climate change, much of which is driven by the  transport sector. Recent news of losses from the ice sheet in Antarctica were  described by one American NASA scientist as a “holy shit” moment ( )

[iv] The Highways  Agency has provided some figures yet big road schemes seem rather prone to major  cost overruns: The Humber Road bridge has an overrun of 276%. See: Of course proposals to extend the Metro might encounter  such problems but at least they point in a genuinely sustainable  direction.

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