Greens welcome Integrated Transport Authority decision

NE England Green Party welcomes the unanimous vote of the Tyne & Wear Integrated Transport Authority to go to statutory consultation on Quality Contracts for bus services in the Nexus area.

Shirley Ford, lead Green Party Euro-candidate for the North East and an Executive member of the Tyne & Wear Public Transport Users Group (TWPTUG) hailed the success of the strongly community-based campaign involving the Transport User Group, the Elders of Newcastle and many other local groups in the teeth of a strong ‘anti’ campaign by the bus operators saying:

“Congratulations to everyone involved in the campaign – and a big thank you to the members of the ITA Executive who listened to the people. Now we need to make sure that our communities use their say in the formal consultation process, so that we get the bus services that people need and deserve”

The Tyne & Wear ITA has also agreed that the Passenger Transport User Group should be one of the statutory consultees in the process as it goes forward with a fourteen week consultation starting at the end of this month.

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