
Ruth Hatton

Ruth has lived in Redcar for forty of her forty-five years and is a trained accountant. She lives with her son, daughter and various pets. Her hobbies include listening to music and walking with her daughter and their dogs.

Ruth will always stand up to stop the assault on the ecosystems of her hometown. She joined the Green Party after attending a protest about the damage being caused through the dredging for the freeport. She was also active in the campaign to stop the trial of dangerous hydrogen for home heating in Coatham ward.

Ruth knows that the people of Redcar have been promised tax breaks due to the freeport that aren’t coming. The tax breaks are for companies not the public. Our local council is on the verge of bankruptcy due to Conservative policies which need to be reversed to reduce the council tax burden to reduce poverty.  No parent should be suffering sleepless nights because they’re having to go hungry to feed their children. She will support schemes to implement better home insulation to reduce people’s emissions and bills, and to stop the constant Greenwashing by companies who are causing a reliance on fossil fuels when other greener options are available. She promises that, whenever she is not at Westminster fighting for our area, she will hold regular surgeries so the public can get help and assistance from the person who is elected to serve them.

“It’s time someone put people and planet over profits, and I pledge to do that.”

You can contact Ruth at

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