Cramlington and Killingworth

Ian Jones

The current first-past-the post, two party system, can be seen to have ground to a halt and we are seeing a vast range of negative consequences from this lack of meaningful democracy.

Real positive and lasting change will not be achieved by Parties who keep doing the same thing endlessly to appease the interests of those who currently benefit most from the inaction we see on the climate catastrophe and rising inequality.

Only the Green Party are actively campaigning for policies that will address the root causes of the ills that currently sweep our nation and stand up for those who most need an active voice working for their interests, and not those of the major polluters or media moguls who sow discord amongst society to further their own financial interests – who are currently very well represented in Westminster.

I shall be an active voice campaigning for changes to the voting system to ensure people’s votes truly count; for policies that protect our environment to allow us to live healthier lives and to secure the future for those who shall inherit our world after we have had our time as custodians; to work to reduce inequality and to ensure those with the broadest shoulders bear more of the weight for the changes we and our planet need.

I have worked as a Social Worker for over a decade and previously volunteered with a number of charities, as well as working as a delivery driver, Door Supervisor and postman. I am proud of my working class background, as well as being like many people in our region, the first person in my family to attend University and enter a professional role. In my professional life, I have supported a vast number of people, including in Cramlington and Killingworth, with a considerable range of challenges, from homelessness to addiction to accessing services that had previously excluded them. I have a lived experience of working endless hours for little reward and the challenges this can bring. I feel given my experience and advocacy skills, I will be able to ensure that I can act to address the individual issues faced by constituents in Killingworth and Cramlington, as well as making sure the area’s broader needs are heard within Parliament.

I would be proud to represent Killingworth and Cramlington. We deserve a party and candidate that will act in everyone’s interests and not those of billionaires or Parties that have taken us for granted for decades. 

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